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A Baby for My Military Stepbrother 1 Page 4

  He glanced up at the sky and frowned. “Don't stay out too long. Storm's coming.”

  “Thanks, Big Bro,” I shouted back, rolling my eyes. As if I didn't know a storm was coming. There was a reason I was walking quickly. He watched me for a moment more, his gaze hot on my back, but I just continued on to my location.

  Chapter Six

  It took me about two rumbles of thunder to reach the spot I had in mind. I snapped a couple of shots, checking the lighting and trees. It was going to be perfect. There were so many options on how to position the family with great backdrops, yet the trees were sparse enough that the light was actually pretty good, even with the thunderstorm moving in.

  I took a couple more pictures, imagining the happy family smiling and laughing as I took their picture. A mom, a dad, and a month old baby boy. The perfect family. And these would be spectacular pictures.

  A cold breeze made me shiver. The storm was a lot closer than I had anticipated and I had lost track of time taking pictures and imagining the family. The family I envied and wanted. The smell of rain hit me and I knew I needed to get back to my car before they rain hit or I'd risk my camera.

  The leaves whispered warnings of the storm as I hurried down the path as the wind whipped through them. This was going to be a wicked storm if the wind was any indication. It was past time for me to have left.

  The football field was empty. Ian and all his kids and equipment were long gone. I wondered just how long I had sat in that grove taking happy pictures of the imaginary family in my head that looked suspiciously like Ian and me. Too long.

  Rain started to sprinkle at about the half way point of the field and I started running to the car. I didn't want my camera to get wet, let alone the SD card with all the football practice pictures. A peal of thunder rang out, loud and strong as I sprinted to my car and got inside just in time to escape the deluge of rain.


  Big, fat raindrops the size of quarters hit the windshield as the storm hit. But I was safe inside my little car. I let out a relieved sigh and checked my camera. Not even damp. That got another relieved sigh as I put it back in it's bag and tucked it safely under the front seat with the rest of my equipment. Luckily, I hadn't taken anything else out since the weather had been cooperating up to this point.

  Lightning lit up the sky and the thunder was loud enough to shake the windows. The storm was here in full force.

  “Time for me to go,” I said, putting the key in the ignition and trying to start the car.

  Nothing happened.

  “Come on, baby,” I coaxed, trying the engine again. “I promise to get you to the mechanic as soon as I have a little bit more money...”

  The engine turned over and started working as if nothing had ever been wrong in the first place. I gave the car a stern look and then took off the gas. I really needed to get this car fixed. Maybe I could ask Ian...

  I could barely see through the rain and I drove at a snail's pace. But, since it was a country road that no one ever used unless they were going to the park, I wasn't worried about blocking anyone's path or running into anyone. I had the road to myself.

  I went slow until I wasn't going anymore.

  I revved the engine, feeling my little car shake with the effort, but not go anyway. In the rear-view mirror, I could see mud spraying up behind me and I groaned. The dirt road had turned to mud and my car with the horsepower of a miniature pony was stuck.

  “Perfect.” I slouched in my chair and watched as yet more rain fell from the sky. It was peaceful, in a gray, rainy kind of way. It would have almost been pleasant if my car hadn't been stuck in the mud. I didn't dare go out and look at it until the rain stopped. There was no reason. I couldn't push the car out by myself, and in the rain it would be stupid to try. Once the rain stopped, I could put some sticks down for traction and get myself out. It would just take a while for the storm to clear.

  I turned off my engine, leaving my headlights on in case a car did come. Thunder shook the windows again, the lightning closer. At least I was safe in my car.

  I turned on the radio just in time to hear the ending of an emergency broadcast. Tornado watch with possible flooding and strong rains. Thunder rattled the car again and I wished I would have gotten the warning just a little bit earlier. The sky was growing darker and the wind stronger. I wished I had another way out of here. The wind howled through the trees and rocked the car.

  Yup. Totally wish I was anywhere else but here right now.

  Rain was coming down in sheets so thick it was impossible to see more than a few feet in front of my car. I hadn't seen a storm like this in years, but Dad had kept telling me that they were getting stronger every year. He claimed it was global warming.

  I squinted as two lights came into view. Headlights. Who the hell was crazy enough to out driving in this? I thought. Well, other than me. But at least I was headed out of the park. Whoever this was had to be insane to be heading in.

  The car pulled up directly in front of mine, the headlights shining into my dash. The rain was so thick I couldn't make out the car at all. Probably an ax murderer.

  The driver got out of his car and came around to my passenger-side door. Even through the rain, I recognized the person. It was Ian, wearing his army-issue rain gear.

  I leaned over and unlocked the door to let him in. The sound of the rain outside was intense as he threw himself into the chair.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. A thrill tangled up in my stomach. I wanted it to be him and I didn't want him to be here all at once.

  “You didn't come home,” he said, sounding perfectly reasonable. “And you weren't answering your phone.”

  I looked down at my cup-holder to see my phone had several missed calls. I hit the sound button and realized it was on silent. Oops.

  “And so you just came out to get me?”

  “Nah.” Ian shrugged. “I thought I'd just drive around in a tornado.”

  A peal of thunder echoed down the road as if accenting his words.

  “Thanks,” I said, feeling a warm glow come over me. No one had ever rescued me before.

  “I was afraid you were trapped out on one of those trails, to be honest. Why are you just sitting here in the middle of the road?” Ian's eyes were dark with concern and it melted my heart. I instantly hated the idea that he had driven through the rain thinking I was lost and afraid, only to find me chilling in my car.

  “My car's stuck in the mud,” I explained. “The wheels just keep spinning and I can't get any traction.”

  He nodded. “Want a ride home?”

  I almost said yes immediately. My rule of thumb was if Ian offered, take. But, that would mean leaving my car here and I had no idea how to get back in the morning. It would be just like him to leave me stranded with no way to get back here.

  “I'll bring you back tomorrow morning when the roads are dried. Promise,” he quickly added. “Your car will be fine here for the night.”

  Thunder rumbled, making my decision for me. “That'd be great. Thanks.” I bit my tongue. “My camera's under your legs. I don't want to leave it. The rest of the gear is fine, but the camera's important.”

  “Oh, sure,” Ian replied, reaching down and grabbing it for me. I wished I could have put my hands between his legs to get it, but that would be out of character for me. Even with Ian. I wrapped the case up in a sweatshirt from the back of the car and looked out the window.

  “Here,” Ian offered, handing me his raincoat. “For the camera. Ready?”

  “Thanks,” I replied, feeling a little gooey at the sweet gesture. I wrapped the camera up and nodded.

  Chapter Seven

  Together we opened our doors and sprinted towards Ian's waiting jeep. Just stepping outside had me completely drenched and I was incredibly grateful to Ian for protecting my livelihood with his raincoat.

  Blinding white light filled up my vision as lightning struck a tree just down the road from our cars. The sound of thunder was
instant and deafening, leaving my eyes blurry from the light and my ears ringing.

  I couldn't help it. I reached out for Ian, my fear overcoming every good sense in my head. It took me a moment of blinking to realize that Ian's arms were wrapped protectively around me. I pressed into him, trying to soak up his warmth and strength. The rain was freezing cold, but he was warm and comforting.

  “Sorry,” I whispered, looking up at him through the rain.

  Despite the rain and the lightning, in his arms, I felt safe. Wanted. Loved even.

  He brushed a rain-soaked strand of hair from my face. My heart was pounding in my chest, which was suddenly too small to contain it. He was so close. So warm, So strong. And touching me. His blue eyes peered into mine like I was everything he'd ever wanted. If he kissed me now, I'd die of pure joy.

  Thunder shattered the moment, reminding us that we were in the middle of a forest in a massive thunderstorm. Besides, I shouldn't feel like this about him. Not with him. Anyone but him.

  Ian pushed gently on my shoulder, hurrying me to the jeep and keeping one hand on me until I was safely inside. I instantly felt bad about getting his seats wet, but there wasn't much I could do about it now.

  “Don't worry about the water,” Ian said as if reading my mind as he settled into the driver's seat. The rain wasn't as loud in his car as it was in mine. I pulled my seat belt across my lap, trying to ignore the tingle on my shoulder where he had touched me. I wished I had another excuse for him to touch me again.

  The jeep purred to life and made the trip down the muddy road easily. We crossed two “streams” and I knew there was no way my little car would have made it the whole way back. I was really glad Ian had come to rescue me.

  We drove in silence, other than the sound of the rain on the roof. Ian's wet t-shirt clung to his skin, outlining every muscle in his chest and abs. Rain glistened in his hair and then his blue eyes caught me looking at him. I looked away quickly.

  Unfortunately, I looked down. My white shirt was plastered to my skin, and although Ian was doing his best not to look, I knew my bra was showing through. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to hide the bulge in his pants.

  I pressed my thighs together, trying not to think about him ripping my jean shorts from my body. It took conscious effort not to rub my knees together. His body, wet and hard, was making mine heat as well. I wanted to touch that bulge in his pants. To feel him move inside of me. To take what I saw in the shower this morning. It would feel so good.

  But we shouldn't. Couldn't. The scandal would be too much. Our parents would never understand. I could already hear Jenny's freak out and feel my Dad's disappointed gaze. Besides, Ian's reaction was the natural one. He didn't want me. In his eyes, I was his sister.

  Ian pulled the jeep into the garage. Jenny's cute little convertible was tucked neatly to the side, but without my Dad's huge SUV, it felt empty. The only sound was the rain pounding on the roof, punctuated with small bursts of thunder.

  Ian turned the engine off and we both sat in the car, unwilling to break the silence. A strange tension, an energy that we couldn't fight, permeated the interior of the car.

  A raindrop fell from Ian's hair, tracing down his cheek, to his jaw and then down his throat. I wished I could lick it off. Taste the rain on his skin.

  Something inside of me snapped. The want was just too much to handle. If I didn't kiss him, I would explode and regret this moment for the rest of my life. If I didn't kiss him, I would die.

  He turned, opening his mouth to say something, and I took my moment and kissed him.

  He didn't pull back. God, he tasted good. Better than I could have hoped for. I kissed him harder, afraid that he would pull back and laugh at me at any moment, or pull away in disgust.

  But he didn't. Instead, he tangled his fingers in my hair, his tongue questing for mine. I opened my mouth, and he filled it. His kiss was raw and primal.

  Gasping, we broke apart. My body ached for more, trying desperately to override my too-cautious and currently freaking out brain.

  “We can't do this,” Ian whispered. This man who had withstood enemy fire, mortars, and bombs going off inches away from him was trembling. Because of me. Because of a once-skinny little brat who couldn't stop herself from kissing him.

  “We shouldn't,” I whispered back. My fingers clung to his wet shirt and his were still tangled in my hair.

  “You're right.” He nodded, not releasing his grip on me.

  He tugged, pulling me into another kiss. I whimpered with pure desire. Every nerve of my body was alive with need. I'd never wanted anyone like this. My brain said this was wrong, but my body knew it was right. So right. His tongue caressed mine, and he nibbled on my lower lip. I whimpered again, consumed with pure and utter lust for him.

  “Maybe we should just get it out of our systems,” he murmured, his tongue tracing the curve of my jaw and sending goosebumps down my arm.

  “That could work,” I agreed, fisting his shirt in my hands.

  “Definitely,” Ian whispered, his lips gliding down my throat. I moaned slightly and cocked my head, offering up more skin for his pleasure. He eagerly attacked the flesh of my neck, moving down to my shoulder and pulling the shirt away. As his teeth bit down on my collarbone, a wave of pleasure ran through my body, and I swore that I could even hear him growl.

  He pulled me over to him and I straddled him, immediately aware of that huge cock that I had seen being stroked just this morning. He gave me no time to react, simply pulling me closer to his body and kissing me again. His pelvis thrusted upwards, dry humping me as his cock quested to find my entrance even through four layers of clothing.

  I couldn't even think straight at this point, I just needed more of Ian. I could feel his muscular chest, the product of years of working out, through his shirt. I could tell with the way his hands were moving up and down my body that he wanted my clothes off as much as I wanted his off. However, when his fingers began to pull up on my shirt, I stopped him.

  “We can't do this here,” I said as the cool breeze from the storm came through the open garage door.

  “Yes, we can,” he insisted, pulling up more.

  I almost let him, but as I felt the cold air on my back and my eyes shot open. From where I was, I could see several of our neighbors' houses. “People will see us.”

  That seemed to get through to him. Still, he didn't seem to mind too much about people seeing as he opened the door to his jeep. He put his hands under my ass as he exited, easily lifting me up. Our lips were immediately back together as I wrapped my legs around his muscular body. He carried us out of the garage and over to the private entrance of his room. The rain fell on us but I would hardly have noticed if not for my hair running into my face because of it.

  Ian began to walk, still able to concentrate as the two of us made out like this. I felt as he began to rise up stairs, still carrying me with ease, as if his muscles would never become fatigued. I wasn't sure if he knew where he was going or if he was just guessing, but I didn't care. Rain kept pouring down on us, but it couldn't dampen our appetites for each other.

  Suddenly, one of his hands reached out and opened his door, and we were inside his room. He let me down slowly and I put my feet down. It looked the same as how I remembered it. When he put his fingers behind my back and started to tug on my shirt, I didn't stop him. I just put my hands in the air and allowed him to strip off my wet shirt. Before I even had a chance to react, he had one hand behind my back, deftly unclasping my bra just as he closed the door behind us.

  “That's a pretty good talent,” I said as my bra fell away.

  He looked at me hungrily. “I don't believe in doing anything unless I do it right.” He lowered his mouth to my breast, licking at it fiercely. I wrapped my hands behind his back, dragging his own shirt up as he caused small jolts of pleasure through my body. Soon, I had the bottom of his wet shirt in my hands, and I pulled it the rest of the way up. Ian let it slip off him before going
back to licking at my nipple.

  Suddenly, he lifted me up again and roughly put me on the bed. My wet hair fell into my face again as I felt him going for my pants button, and I suddenly found myself short of breath. This was farther than I had ever let any guy go, and for a moment, I felt apprehensive.

  “Ian, wait a moment,” I said as I felt him begin to work my pants down off my hips.

  “Hmm?” he asked. I could see him eyeing my body hungrily.

  This was it. I could stop him now. I could tell him I was a virgin. I could tell him that this was wrong. I could do any number of things to stop what was about to happen

  But I didn't want it to stop.

  “Nothing,” I said. This is what I wanted.

  He smiled and returned to moving my pants down. When they were off, nothing remained on but my panties. He began to kiss up my leg, building the anticipation. As soon as he was back up to my panties, he began to kiss around the outsides of the fabric, driving me wild with every touch. I could feel the juices flowing with me, feel myself getting wetter.

  He began to kiss me over my underwear, inhaling deeply the fragrance of my pussy as he did so. I began to writhe, just imagining that tongue touching me on my clit. My hips actually lifted up off the bed so I could press my sex against his tantalizing mouth, almost completely without me willing them to do so.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned to myself, realizing how he had made all those girls scream during high school.

  Suddenly, he took my panties in his fingers and tore, ripping the lacy fabric and creating a hole. I looked down at him. “Hey, you asshoooooooooo...” I couldn't help but fall back to the bed as his tongue moved out of his mouth and onto my clit, causing me pleasure that I had never felt before in my life.

  I wasn't sure I could ever go back to using the shower head again. I never knew what I was missing.

  He attacked my clit mercilessly, his tongue causing every muscle in my body to twitch and shake. The sounds coming from my mouth ceased as I became consumed by the pleasure. I felt my face scrunch up as I began to make a high pitched eeeeeeee sound. I seemed to lose track of everything, sights and sounds faded away, as the most intense orgasm of my life washed over me. I felt myself let go completely.